
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

These are selected pieces of my artwork. 

Most of my writing became tagged to images because I used to post them as captions to Instagram posts. 

The images are all individual collapsibles that you can click / tap on to read the poetry / prose tagged to it. 

Feel free to contact me to work together.

Fall Into Pieces

We always think that we are the broken parts, that we were never wholem that we were shattered into a million fragments scattered across different places. Places that we never existed. We always think that we are constantly missing a piece, that segment that could complete us, but this would be never ending. We could never find that piece, simply because we were never broken to begin with, simply because that shattered piece never existed in the first place. That we were constantly worrying ourselves to pieces, that some of us finally resort to making new pieces to put them back together.


I don't understand why people say I'm scary.
Look at me, I'm so nice.


The blur I see without these
tinted lenses is the
hard truth that
nothing will ever be clear.

Gotta go fast

What's the rush ?
Idk, what if we can't catch up ?


阿嬷煮的菜永远最好吃 。





“好吧,你还记得我是怎么煮的吗?阿嬷 坐在这里,看你煮!”

慢慢的,猪肝炒好了,汤也滚了。我拿着碗碟摆在桌上,拿了一些给阿嬷 ,我们就开始谈天。就跟平常一样。

过后,我翻了两个银币。哦阿嬷 吃饱了。

The Words Left Unsaid

Suffocation leaves one trapped, within circumstances,
that we fight back not tears but words
that would've expressed ourselves when everyone
around seemed to have failed us.

Words left trapped between the passage
from your heart to your brain
to your heart and back.
It just didn't seem to connect.

What came out was simply a sign
that didn't mean anything but
"Ok I actually have nothing to say"
which apparently meant "Ok I'm fine."

This apparently meant
"I'm really OK, I really have no problems"
but you know its just mere autocorrect
that filled in the spaces for you.

The words that got deleted
the words that you could've sent out of your mouth.
Untrap yourself.
Let those words free.